Sunday, May 3, 2020

Nut Cheese

  • Soak and ferment nuts in chlorine free water and clean jar [a few drops of sauerkraut brine can start the ferment fast; do not use more than a teaspoon]. Kosher salt [about 3 tbsp per quart of water] for 2 to 6 days [or possibly longer in cold weather] until the ferment has a sharp odor [not a putrid bad odor].
  • Poor out the brine water. Add yeast flakes, miso, garlic [pressed] lemon juice, tarragon [or other herbs] olive oil, chopped olives? Ground Ginger is good, and even hot pepper sauce.
  • Mill in powerful food processor [450 watts or so] use spatula to keep pushing down the pulp to create a smooth paste. A blender will need more liquid, so you may need to strain some out. Find a tofu/cheese press on the internet.
  • Place in jars and refrigerate. If you have live lacto-bacteria in it and plenty of salt you won't need to refrigerate [in hot weather it may need a little vinegar or more hot pepper]. Do not tighten the lid, the gas needs to force it's way out.
  • I believe that this can be made with much less salt if you ferment the nuts in a sterilized container, like a pressure cooker that has been cooking beans. And leave out the Miso. Then keep the cheese cold.